Hello! I’m Katya.

I’m a communications and design strategist by day, a freelance illustrator by night, and an all-around snacker.

By the way, I’m a student (again) and working toward an MA in Intercultural and International Communications.

This image was taken on a bright and sunny autumn day. Katya is standing on a dock in Blakeburn Park, Coquitlam, and is smiling at Chio who took the picture. Five white marshmallows are drawn over the image.

Specializing in strategic communications, and anthropomorphic cartoon illustrations.

Spring 2022 issue of BC History Magazine featuring the article "The White Elephant in the Room:Anti-Asian racism in Canada." An op-ed by Dr. Henry Yu, and magazine cover illustration by Katya Roxas.

Communications and design projects

  • Project management

    From landing pages to campaigns, I can lead projects from kick-off to completion. To name a few, I have designed the pages and created original content for UBC Arts Language Hub, Arts and Culture District’s ARTIVISM campaign, and developed an IBPoC internal resource site.

  • Strategic communications

    I produced an award-winning campaign, UBC Library’s Colour Our Collection, and developed a strategy on how to make special collections accessible. More recently, using Asana, I co-created a system that efficiently integrates Asana into our workflows, forecasting, and team resourcing.

  • Visual design

    Description goes here

Living in scribbles

From Metro Vancouver to the Island, and throughout my travels, I’ve collected memories in my sketchbooks. Some I drew on-location, while others were born in the comfort of home and nostalgia.

What inspires me to sketch? Storefronts, restaurants, people in transit, and other moments I want to remember .

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