Hanne Wassermann Walker acquisition

UBC Library’s Rare Books and Special Collections acquired the personal archive of Hanne Wassermann Walker, a significant individual of pre-WWII Viennese cultural and social life. Prior to UBC acquiring this collection, her story has been relatively unknown.

My team, Library Communications and Marketing, was in-charge of bringing her story to life with an article, video and photography. I was the lead for producing and creating the video feature of her incredible life. Being the lead photographer of the team, I also took the official photos which we used for our channels and shared with external media such as Montecristo Magazine.

Creating the video feature

The main objective of the video was to showcase the significance of the acquisition and why the extensive collection is best suited to live in UBC Library’s Rare Books and Special Collections (RBSC).

We conducted four interviews with subject specialists, faculty, and the head of RBSC during a two hour window. During this time, I also had to take photographs of the collection’s materials and the interview proper.

The challenge of creating this video was that I had to showcase the breadth of the collection while equally showcasing the the different insights and perspectives of the interviewees. I worked closely with the Communications Manager on this project to ensure that all perspectives were equally showcased.

This video I created won Gold in the 2019 dot COMM Awards and won Best Collections-Focused Films in the 2020 ARL Film Festival – The “Arlies”.

What’s the purpose of the story?

UBC Library’s efforts of acquiring the full archive of Hanne Wassermann Walker prevents the archive from being broken up. Our creation of this story brings to light the fulsome picture of Wassermann Walker’s life, work, and her amazing mark of a women’s role in history.


UBC Library acquires the personal archive of Hanne Wassermann Walker

A well-known figure of Viennese society during the 1920s and 1930s, Wassermann Walker was at the forefront of the Weimar-era body culture movement. Her school of gymnastics and health manuals for women brought her international fame and recognition from reputed medical institutions and clinical specialists. Among her correspondents, friends and students were film stars, artists and members of the European aristocracy, including the Rothschild family, Lady Louis Mountbatten, Helen of Greece and Denmark and actress and wireless communications pioneer Hedy Lamarr.


dot COMM Awards winner : Gold

It all begins with an idea. Maybe you want to launch a business. Maybe you want to turn a hobby into something more. Or maybe you have a creative project to share with the world. Whatever it is, the way you tell your story online can make all the difference.

CATEGORY: Video | 136. Educational Institution


Katya Roxas | Communications Officer

Creative Lead



UBC Library Communications and Marketing


Senate Report 2018/19